Revisting Saving Host Names in Cisco AnyConnect Client

One of my most popular blog posts is this where I talk about how to set your AnyConnect VPN client to remember the addresses of the various VPN URLs you use. I figured I would be good to revisit it since it’s been 5 years since I last talked about it to ensure things still worked the same way as they did back in 2014.

First, everything still works the same way on Windows 10. You go to C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile create a new xml file. I call mine Profile.xml and use the following format:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<AnyConnectProfile xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=” AnyConnectProfile.xsd”>
Save it and restart your client and it will look like this:
VPN Client With Multiple URLs Saved
There is another method I’ve found and this involves some additional software. First, from you have to install the Profile Editor (Windows), you only need to enable the Cisco AnyConnect Profile Editor. Once installed run the program.
Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 9.38.43 AM
Go to Server List > Add:
Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 9.44.24 AM
Go to File > Save As and save the XML file to same location C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile, restart the client and you should be all set.

VMWare Fusion 11.5 Windows 10 VM Black Screen on Catalina

I wanted to do a quick post on this as I had to try multiple things to get my Windows 10 VM up and running. There are two posts which helped. TCC DB Updates and the processor change post 10. To summarize it both links:

Turn Off the Rootless

  1. Reboot your MAC and hold CMD+R to enter the recovery mode.
  2. Open the terminal.
  3. Enter csrutil disable
  4. Restart

From a terminal run:

tccutil reset All com.vmware.fusion   
sudo sqlite3 "/Library/Application Support/" 'insert into access values ("kTCCServiceScreenCapture", "com.vmware.fusion", 0, 1, 1, "", "", "", "UNUSED", "", 0,1565595574)'   3, 
sudo sqlite3 "/Library/Application Support/" 'insert into access values ("kTCCServiceListenEvent", "com.vmware.fusion", 0, 1, 1, "", "", "", "UNUSED", "", 0,1565595574)'   4, 
sudo sqlite3 "/Library/Application Support/" 'insert into access values ("kTCCServicePostEvent", "com.vmware.fusion", 0, 1, 1, "", "", "", "UNUSED", "", 0,1565595574)'

Turn On the Rootless

  1. Reboot your MAC and hold CMD+R to enter the recovery mode.
  2. Open the terminal.
  3. Enter csrutil enable
  4. Restart

Launch Fusion and ensure that under your Mac’s Security and Privacy:

Accessibility > VMWare Fusion is checked
Screen Recording > Vmware Fusion is checked

With your VM shutdown go to settings > Processor and Memory and check these two settings:


Hope this helps another poor soul.


AWS’s AI in the Contact Center Pitch: A Swing and a Miss.

Recently AWS released a “Knowledge Brief” illustrating how Fortune 1000 companies are taking a deeper interest in AI related products and services for their contact centers. While I think there are plenty of points which could be argued, for the sake of this post, I will focus on the intro graph as this is the springboard to the whole document created by the Aberdeen Group’s research. Let’s start with the graph:


First, I was surprised of the atribution for the spike in contact center solutions research to the Google Duplex presentation during I/O 2018. Second, the report goes on to state that the red line declining off to the right are the search results for PBX because “firms are not as active in researching best practices and trends in use of PBX.” These two points stuck to me as odd specially if you’re building a whole paper on those two premises so I took it upon myself to see if I could indepedently confirm their positions.

Considering the paper states that this is all about research I decided to go to world’s research webpage: Google; specifically Google Trends. Let’s tackle the spike in research due to the announcement of Google Duplex. You will see that Google registered the terms “google duplex” spiking in May which matches with their blog post linked above. The report’s graph has this spike happening in July which is not correct. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt that the x-axis is mislabled since there certainly was a spike in research on these terms.


The papers second point is around the decline of research around the term PBX. The document states “’s reflected through the dark red line that’s particularly trending downwards between July and September 2018.” The main reason why this caught my eye is because of the term PBX. As those of you in the conctact center business know the term PBX really has gone out of use in the late 90s and even more today in the 2000s. Mainly because with VoIP the PBX term is not used as broadly. Make no mistake things like Cisco’s CommunicationManager and Asterisks are PBXes, but they are so much more thus why the term has fallen out of favor. Given this information let’s compare how the term PBX and ACD, a more broadly used term to almost mean the same thing, have trended for the time period this report covers.


Neither term has really seen a decline. Heck you could argue that PBX saw an increase between May and July while ACD saw an increase after July. Ultimately debunking the premise this whole document stands upon.

AI/ML is the hot new topic, but there’s a time and a place for everything. This paper’s whole premise for an AI future relies on faulty data which causes the whole article to fall apart. This, like may other pieces, are more hype than substance.









My take on easily improving your customer’s experience with not a lot of money and without having to hire me.

Recently I was talking to an acquaintance about our top IVR annoyances. While we debated back and forth on the merit of each annoyances it got me thinking about the current wave around customer experience, customer journey, and the amount of money and products some companies are putting in to try and get marginal improvements. While I’ve been working in the contact center for over a decade, I certainly don’t know it all, but I’ve come to realize that before spending a lot of money businesses should do a few small things. These small things will provide small improvements and will set you up to be better prepared for bringing some vendor to help you “revolutionize” your customer experience.

Now there is no data to backup these thoughts, but I like to think my experience should carry a bit of weight. Here we go:

Your IVR should reflect your personality. Every IVR sounds the same, is your business just like every other business? All businesses stress over print ads, color schemes for the website, logos, commercials, but their IVR still feels like every other IVR. Why not carry that stress over to something which can be personalized with just a few words and voice inflection?

Know your callers. We find ourselves in a data rich and information poor world. Are your callers millennials? Are they senior citizens? Is there a specific social economic status which gravitates towards your IVR while others go through a different channel?  All of this information is critical in trying to figure out what options you should be offering in your IVR and what your personality should be.

Make it sound fresh. Has your IVR welcomed every caller with “Thank you for calling…” since the dawn of time? Every modern and not so modern IVR in the world can play an array of greetings, use slightly different language depending on the time of year, and create some personalization without much work. No one likes to talk to that one person who always tells the same stories. Your IVR can easily and cheaply break that monotony, sound fresh, and make the wait seem more engaging.

Don’t make me tell you again. One of the things that’s most annoying is when you call a company to fix a problem, you think it’s solved only to find out a few hours later or a few days later that it’s not resolved. You know what I do, and the rest of the world does? Call right back. It’s very easy for modern IVRs to see that a customer called recently and there’s a very high likelihood they are calling for the same reason again. So why put them through your self-service menu? Get them immediately to an agent, you failed at first call resolution, you know it and they know. Here’s a second shot at making it better. Extra points if you get them to the same agent who will have some context from the first call.

Everyone likes surprises. Every once in a while, have calls be sent to agents without having to go through the full gamut of the IVR. Specially if you know you have agents available. which will increase your agent utilization, but this only works if your agents are able to handle most types of calls. Because if you’re going to have to transfer callers, do not do this!

Don’t pretend to care. Saying that my call is important is such an insult. It’s not, otherwise you would have staffed accordingly and not made me wait. Offer a way to call back a customer instead of having them wait hostage to your queue treatment.

Silence is golden.  If your call center deals with extremely high hold times greater than 15 minutes. Give the caller the option to not hear any music and announcements at all. An occasional beep and maybe a short message on how to enable music again will make the wait time much more enjoyable. If I can detect how often your music on hold loops, I will not be very pleasant when the agent takes my call.




Connect Squirrel SQL to UCCX DB

I found a good bit of information on this, but none of it was in a single post. Figured it might help to see all the steps in a single spot. This assumes 11.x UCCX from a Windows machine.

  • Download Squirrel SQL
  • Open a command prompt with Administrator privileges.
  • Move to were the Squirrel jar file is found.
  • Run “java -jar squirrel-sql.XXX.jar”.
  • Besides the standard options add the Informix drivers.
  • Download the latest Informix JDBC driver from
  • Place JDBC drive in the Squirrel SQL lib folder. You shoul be able to click on Drivers and scroll down and see a check mark next to Informix.
  • Go to UCCX Administrator > Tools > Password Managenet reset the password for uccxhruser. If you do this and you have a HA setup, make sure that you click on “Check Consistency” to validate that both nodes have the latest password. If they don’t, login to both nodes and do the previous step on each.
  • Connection URL format is: jdbc:informix-sqli://<fqdn or ip>:1504/db_cra:INFORMIXSERVER=<hostname>_uccx
  • Connect and to validate that you get some data go to SQL and run a query like “select contactType, applicationName from ContactCallDetail where ContactCallDetail.startDateTime >= ‘2019-07-01 00:00:00′”


Release Nuance ASR License in Cisco Contact Center Enterprise & Virtual Voice Browser (VVB)

This topic seems to come up everytime I’m on an ASR project. I finally got a definetive answer out of Cisco on the “right” way to do this. The most popular approach to release the Nuance license is to have a dummy label in your ICM script. You can read all the details in this post. However, a much cleaner way of doing it involves adding a CVP collection/capture element, I like to use Digits, set the Input Mode to dtmf, all collection timers to 1, and play a very short silent prompt. Additionaly, add the following VXML property = Default.

CVP Studio Digits Elements for Nuance Release

How to confirm this actually works? Start Wireshark from one of your Nuance servers and and use the following filter:

(!sip.CSeq.method == "OPTIONS")&&(sip)&&frame.len in {874 504}

The above filter will only show the Invites and Byes to the Nuance service. Which will yield the following output:

"100","8.769243","","","SIP/SDP","874","Request: INVITE sip:asr@nuancesvr:5060;transport=tcp | "
"3699","95.355613","","","SIP","504","Request: BYE sip:mrcpserver@nuancesvr:5060;transport=TCP | "

You should confirm that the IPs in the capture are those of your VVB and Nuance box.


Cisco Finesse Workflows Troubleshooting

I ran into this problem today and I had never really thought about how you could troubleshoot issues where a workflow wasn’t working. It had always been, if it worked it worked. Took a bit of time to figure out how to dig in to the right Finesse logs to see why exactly my workflow was not firing. In my particular case I have a screen pop workflow which is supposed to pop if a call variable contains a specific word. We’re going to figure out why the workflow never worked.

First, you should go to the URL below enable persistent logging and sign in to Finesse as your agent. To be safe you might want to clear the local storage, but that’s not really necessary.


Second, send in a new call which is supposed to trigger the workflow.

Thrid, in a new tab open the locallog URL and let’s walk through what we see.

One of the first things you’ll see is that Finesse pulls all the workflows associated with your team:

2019-02-19T15:46:46.901 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.214 -0800: Header : [ClientServices] Workflows: requestId='undefined', Making REST request: method=GET, url='https://FQDN:/finesse/api/User/9056/Workflows?nocache=1550609206901'
2019-02-19T15:46:47.227 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.540 -0800: Header : [ClientServices] Workflows: requestId='undefined', Returned with status=200, content='&lt;Workflows&gt;&lt;Workflow&gt;&lt;name&gt;PARTICIPANT OVERVIEW WORKFLOW&lt;/name&gt;&lt;description&gt;PARTICIPANT OVERVIEW&lt;/description&gt;&lt;uri&gt;/finesse/api/Workflow/1&lt;/uri&gt;&lt;TriggerSet&gt;&lt;name&gt;CALL_ARRIVES&lt;/name&gt;&lt;type&gt;SYSTEM&lt;/type&gt;&lt;triggers&gt;&lt;Trigger&gt;&lt;comparator&gt;IS_EQUAL&lt;/comparator&gt;&lt;value&gt;Voice&lt;/value&gt;&lt;Variable&gt;&lt;name&gt;mediaType&lt;/name&gt;&lt;node&gt;//Dialog/mediaType&lt;/node&gt;&lt;type&gt;CUSTOM&lt;/type&gt;&lt;/Variable&gt;&lt;/Trigger&gt;&lt;Trigger&gt;..

Next you’ll see that Finesse will see if there’s a workflow to run if the agent has logged in or gone ready. So it will evaluate the workflow conditions based on this trigger. This happens always even if you don’t have a workflow with these trigger conditions.

2019-02-19T15:46:47.237 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.550 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Entering 'Busy' state, from: 'loggingIn'. Triggering start of queued event processing.
2019-02-19T15:46:47.412 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.725 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] "" IS_EQUAL "Voice" evaluates to FALSE

So far so good, but we’ve not gotten to our workflow which is supposed to launch on call arrival.

2019-02-19T15:48:14.103 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.419 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Entering 'Busy' state, from: 'idle'. Triggering start of queued event processing.
2019-02-19T15:48:14.191 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.507 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Evaluating conditions for workflow: {"workflowName":"CASE SEARCH","eventType":"Dialog","eventUri":"/finesse/api/Dialog/33558863"}
2019-02-19T15:48:14.191 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.507 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] "ATTORNEY" CONTAINS ""ATTORNEY"" evaluates to FALSE

As you can see in the last line our workflow is supposed to launch if ATTORNEY contains ATTORNEY, but we have “” arround the string which is causing it to not match. By going to Finesse adming and changing your workflow to not contain the quotes fixed the issue right up.


Deploy to Firebase hosting using Bitbucket Pipeline

On and off I’ve played around with Firebase and one thing I had never tried out was the hosting part of Google’s offering. I spent a bit of time a few nights ago getting familiar with it and didn’t like the fact that I had to deploy from the command line as I generally like to do my deployments via git.

This excellent blog post showed me what I needed to do and everything seemed easy enough. Here is my original pipeline.yml

image: node:8.4.0
- step:
deployment: production
- node
- npm install -g firebase-tools
- firebase deploy --token=$FIREBASE_TOKEN --project mySite --non-interactive

When my pipeline ran I received the following error.

Error: Authorization failed. This account is missing the following required permissions on project &lt;project&gt;:

The issue was resolved when I looked at the –project parameter. Everything I read said project name, but in reality it needs to be the project ID, which you can get from Firebase project console. Once this was rectified the pipeline ran succesfully.


Upgrading Cisco SG200-26 Smart Switch Firmware and Boot

This took me a bit longer than I expected mainly because the release notes were not clear. Like the title suggests there are two types of upgrades you can do to this device, the firware and the boot file. If you’re going to the latest version released by Cisco which at the time of this post is 1.4.x, you want to start with the boot file and upgrade that to 1.3.x using a TFTP server. After that you’ll want to upgrade the firmware to 1.3.x. After that you’ll be able to upgrade to 1.4.x.

One other thing to note, when reseting the device to factory defaults I could never login to on port 1, I had to move my laptop to port 9 in order to get to the web UI.


Amazon Connect CCP (Agent Desktop) Walkthrough

I was talking to a few people about Connect and we were focusing on the agent desktop. For someone who is coming from Cisco Finesse, CCP is a big departure and I couldn’t find a good resource which showed all the out of the box functionality in a concise way. So, here it is. Everything you need to know about straight out of the box CCP.

CCP Highlights

  • 100% web-based.
  • Uses WebRTC and Opus audio codec.

Login Screen

  • Can be integrated to SSO.
  • Allows for password self-service.


Initial Screen

  • Will set you to whatever state you last had before you logged off or killed the client.
  • Transfer buttons are semi context aware (more on this later).
  • Agent status/state menu.
  • Log out is not a state, but a separate button.
  • Ability to get calls via a hard phone/PSTN instead of over the web.
  • Ability to download agent side logs (JSON format) from first login to right now.
  • Multi-lingual support 8 languages.


Call Screen

  • Agent whisper of queue name.
  • ANI of caller.
  • Transfer numbers based on queue name.
  • Can transfer to another queue, another agent, or external. Can even transfer to yourself which makes no sense.
  • Multi line support.
  • Can make outbound calls manually.


