I found a good bit of information on this, but none of it was in a single post. Figured it might help to see all the steps in a single spot. This assumes 11.x UCCX from a Windows machine.
- Download Squirrel SQL https://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrel-sql/.
- Open a command prompt with Administrator privileges.
- Move to were the Squirrel jar file is found.
- Run “java -jar squirrel-sql.XXX.jar”.
- Besides the standard options add the Informix drivers.
- Download the latest Informix JDBC driver from https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.ibm.informix/jdbc/
- Place JDBC drive in the Squirrel SQL lib folder. You shoul be able to click on Drivers and scroll down and see a check mark next to Informix.
- Go to UCCX Administrator > Tools > Password Managenet reset the password for uccxhruser. If you do this and you have a HA setup, make sure that you click on “Check Consistency” to validate that both nodes have the latest password. If they don’t, login to both nodes and do the previous step on each.
- Connection URL format is: jdbc:informix-sqli://<fqdn or ip>:1504/db_cra:INFORMIXSERVER=<hostname>_uccx
- Connect and to validate that you get some data go to SQL and run a query like “select contactType, applicationName from ContactCallDetail where ContactCallDetail.startDateTime >= ‘2019-07-01 00:00:00′”