I was talking to a few people about Connect and we were focusing on the agent desktop. For someone who is coming from Cisco Finesse, CCP is a big departure and I couldn’t find a good resource which showed all the out of the box functionality in a concise way. So, here it is. Everything you need to know about straight out of the box CCP.
CCP Highlights
- 100% web-based.
- Uses WebRTC and Opus audio codec.
Login Screen
- Can be integrated to SSO.
- Allows for password self-service.
Initial Screen
- Will set you to whatever state you last had before you logged off or killed the client.
- Transfer buttons are semi context aware (more on this later).
- Agent status/state menu.
- Log out is not a state, but a separate button.
- Ability to get calls via a hard phone/PSTN instead of over the web.
- Ability to download agent side logs (JSON format) from first login to right now.
- Multi-lingual support 8 languages.
Call Screen
- Agent whisper of queue name.
- ANI of caller.
- Transfer numbers based on queue name.
- Can transfer to another queue, another agent, or external. Can even transfer to yourself which makes no sense.
- Multi line support.
- Can make outbound calls manually.