Find specific phone number in Finesse phone books through the Finesse API using Python

Here’s a quick Python script that will allow you to go through each phone book in Finesse and identify the phone book that has the phone number(s) you’re after. Just fill in your information ‘<>’ and update the numbers you want to find.

import requests # for using API
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # for parsing XML

requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() #If using a self signed certificate

rootURL = ‘<>’ # e.g.
phonebooksURL = ‘/finesse/api/PhoneBooks’
username = ‘<>’ #Finesse admin username
password = ‘<>’

headers = {‘Accept’: ‘application/xml’, ‘Content-Type’: “application/xml”}

phonenumbers = [‘5555551234’, ‘5555551235’, ‘5555551236’, ‘5555551237’] #phone numbers you want to find.

res = requests.get(rootURL+phonebooksURL, headers= headers, verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))

root = ET.fromstring(res.content)

for phonebooks in root:
phonebookId = phonebooks[3].text
res = requests.get(rootURL+phonebookId+’/Contacts’, headers=headers, verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
root = ET.fromstring(res.content)
for contacts in root:
for number in phonenumbers:
if number in contacts[3].text:
print(phonebooks[2].text, contacts[3].text)


Cisco Finesse Workflows Troubleshooting

I ran into this problem today and I had never really thought about how you could troubleshoot issues where a workflow wasn’t working. It had always been, if it worked it worked. Took a bit of time to figure out how to dig in to the right Finesse logs to see why exactly my workflow was not firing. In my particular case I have a screen pop workflow which is supposed to pop if a call variable contains a specific word. We’re going to figure out why the workflow never worked.

First, you should go to the URL below enable persistent logging and sign in to Finesse as your agent. To be safe you might want to clear the local storage, but that’s not really necessary.


Second, send in a new call which is supposed to trigger the workflow.

Thrid, in a new tab open the locallog URL and let’s walk through what we see.

One of the first things you’ll see is that Finesse pulls all the workflows associated with your team:

[code language=”plain”]
2019-02-19T15:46:46.901 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.214 -0800: Header : [ClientServices] Workflows: requestId=’undefined’, Making REST request: method=GET, url=’https://FQDN:/finesse/api/User/9056/Workflows?nocache=1550609206901′
2019-02-19T15:46:47.227 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.540 -0800: Header : [ClientServices] Workflows: requestId=’undefined’, Returned with status=200, content=’&lt;Workflows&gt;&lt;Workflow&gt;&lt;name&gt;PARTICIPANT OVERVIEW WORKFLOW&lt;/name&gt;&lt;description&gt;PARTICIPANT OVERVIEW&lt;/description&gt;&lt;uri&gt;/finesse/api/Workflow/1&lt;/uri&gt;&lt;TriggerSet&gt;&lt;name&gt;CALL_ARRIVES&lt;/name&gt;&lt;type&gt;SYSTEM&lt;/type&gt;&lt;triggers&gt;&lt;Trigger&gt;&lt;comparator&gt;IS_EQUAL&lt;/comparator&gt;&lt;value&gt;Voice&lt;/value&gt;&lt;Variable&gt;&lt;name&gt;mediaType&lt;/name&gt;&lt;node&gt;//Dialog/mediaType&lt;/node&gt;&lt;type&gt;CUSTOM&lt;/type&gt;&lt;/Variable&gt;&lt;/Trigger&gt;&lt;Trigger&gt;..

Next you’ll see that Finesse will see if there’s a workflow to run if the agent has logged in or gone ready. So it will evaluate the workflow conditions based on this trigger. This happens always even if you don’t have a workflow with these trigger conditions.

[sourcecode language=”plain”]
2019-02-19T15:46:47.237 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.550 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Entering ‘Busy’ state, from: ‘loggingIn’. Triggering start of queued event processing.

2019-02-19T15:46:47.412 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:46:47.725 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] "" IS_EQUAL "Voice" evaluates to FALSE

So far so good, but we’ve not gotten to our workflow which is supposed to launch on call arrival.

[code language=”plain”]
2019-02-19T15:48:14.103 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.419 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Entering ‘Busy’ state, from: ‘idle’. Triggering start of queued event processing.

2019-02-19T15:48:14.191 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.507 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] Evaluating conditions for workflow: {"workflowName":"CASE SEARCH","eventType":"Dialog","eventUri":"/finesse/api/Dialog/33558863"}
2019-02-19T15:48:14.191 -05:00: BF8760: FQDN: Feb 19 2019 12:48:14.507 -0800: Header : [WorkflowEngine] "ATTORNEY" CONTAINS ""ATTORNEY"" evaluates to FALSE

As you can see in the last line our workflow is supposed to launch if ATTORNEY contains ATTORNEY, but we have “” arround the string which is causing it to not match. By going to Finesse adming and changing your workflow to not contain the quotes fixed the issue right up.


Download Huge Cisco Finesse Logs

You might have seen my previous post on how to use wget to download Finesse logs.  This works like a champ, however wget has an issue with large files (> 1GB), so I had to come up with a new solution as some of our logs were in the 2-3 GB range.  This is where mulk comes in.  This little tool runs great on Windows and has had no problems with any file size.  Download it and using the command prompt do the following:

mulk-0.6.0>mulk -v –user=<user> –password=<password> -d=0

Updated 01/13/2014:

mulk.exe –v –-user <user> –-password <password> –d 0

The only major drawback from mulk is that it doesn’t have a setting to just download the latest files, but if you think about it, you could probably use wget and mulk in conjunction to create the perfect too to save you some time.
