CTIOS Error 10125

PeripheralErrorCode:10125 AgentID:1000 UniqueObjectID:agent.5000.1000
     MessageID:eControlFailureConf MessageType:eSetAgentStateRequest
     ErrorMessage:IPCC Error [10125]You have attempted to log into an invalid
     instrument.  If you think it is correct there could be a configuration error.
      Otherwise, check the number and try again. FilterTarget:agent.5000.1000

I recently ran into this error and for the life of me could not figure out what was wrong.  So, the first thing I did was make sure it was happening on more than one PC, check.  Next, checked if it was happening with more than one phone, check.  Next, check if it happens with both PGs… this is where I noticed that I could login to one PG, but not to the other.  Which then lead me to check the configuration of both PGs and found that the PG configuration for the PG where the login was failing had an agent extension of 7 digits instead of 10 digits.  Thus why CTIOS was rejecting my login to a phone with an extension with 10 digits.



Cisco ICM Admin Script Will Not Run

I ran into an issue yesterday which I’m still not 100% sure as to why it happened, but I at least was able to clear it  up.  I created an administrator script which did run even though it was scheduled to run every 30 seconds.  The script even when down to a start and end node only and still no response.  So, when making changes in ICM the first place to look at is the router.  Did a quick “cdlog ra /last /o” and the ra.log showed the following:

   1:  21:02:40 ra-rtr Trace: Undefined symbol: Global.userMy_UserVar. 
   2:  21:02:40 ra-rtr Add of ScriptData warning. 
Unable complete script load 7300: Undefined symbol: Global.userMy_UserVar. 
   3:  21:02:40 ra-rtr All configuration operations complete. 

So, if nothing else, this lets me know that there is something in my config which is not right and it’s possible that new changes might be queued up and that’s why my admin script is not running.  I went through all references of my user variable and removed them.  I then deleted the user variable and created a new one with the same name and put it back in every script.  Looked at the router log again and it looked clean.  After that, the admin script ran fine.



David get’s a silver badge

I try to stay involved with Cisco’s forum as to try to give back to the community a bit as well as trying to get some knowledge from the masses.  While I’m not a know it all it’s nice to have a little bit of recognition.  Last week i went from Bronze to Silver, which based on points others award you for the answers you provide. :-)

BadgesI have a long way to go before getting those 25k points… wonder if I could turn them in for cool Cisco gear?


More Fun with ICM Script Editor

I really debated calling this, “How ICM Script Editor Allows You To See The Forest Through The Trees”, but I try to make titles which are relevant to my post.  Regardless, here is my latest fun encounter with Script Editor.

I was working on a script, which all of a sudden didn’t work as it originally did.  I checked the ToD routing logic, it was right.  I checked the admin scripts, they were right.  I checked every single node leading up to that step and they were all right.  I had two co-workers check it for me and they could not find the error either.

This is a small example of what I was looking at:

Script Editor Wrong

Now, in the above example it should be really apparent what is wrong, if you haven’t caught it, I’ll let you see what a correct script would look like:

Script Editor Right

Yep, no connection to the If node.  Now, you’re probably thinking, what is this guys thinking, that’s so easy to spot.  You’re right it is easy to spot when you have 4 nodes, but when you’re script spans multiple pages and has hundreds of nodes, it’s a little harder and honestly after starting at a script like this for weeks

















you become crossed-eyed.


Frustrations with Cisco’s ICM Script Editor

So, I’ve been working with ICM scripts for what feels like ages, but in reality is more like 5 years. In the last 2 years though I spend more time scripting than anything else… well except documentation, but that’s another story.

Regardless, here are a few frustrations I constantly face when using ICM script editor.

1. No find and replace. This should be very easy to do and would help greatly, specially when working with CVP and you need to modify a VXML URL or when you’re working with formulas which need to be updated to include some new variable.

2. Copy and paste does not respect the fact that you’ve specified the Snap to Grid option. Yes, copy and paste rocks when you need to write a bunch of scripts which are similar, however, having to remember to snap your recently pasted script to the grid is a pain in the butt and I often forget it.

3. Call Tracer. Personally, I would like to see the call tracer as an independent window which can be sent to the back ground. If you’re working with a very small screen, you have to move the tracer around while looking at your script. In addition, the windows can be so much bigger by default. Can’t they just auto-size? See below.

ICM Script Editor Call Tracer

4. Formula Editor. Is there really no better way to display the formulas being written? Some of my formulas are pretty long which require that I writ them on TextPad first then move them to Script Editor. This allows me to lay them out a little better, specifically when trying to make sure I have enough parenthesis. For example, the formula below shows up like this:


Surely, there’s a better way to display this.

One thing I miss about Genesys is their slick UIs and Cisco knows nothing about UIs. Hope to see some changes in the future, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


Cisco ICM Script Find NULL

So, I ran into an strange problems today. I have a MS SQL database column which contains some NULL values. So, I wanted the calls with a NULL value to go in one direction while the calls without a NULL value to go another. Inside a IF NODE I tried:

Variable = “” or Variable = ” ” or Variable = “NULL” or Variable = NULL

None of those worked. At the end just putting the Variable by itself inside the IF node worked. I guess it makes sense, but when dealing with NULL values it can be tricky at times and behavior might vary.


Cisco WebView Agent Reports Contain No Data

So, this has happened to me on at least three projects and honestly I can never remember to check this before the project starts. Reporting always seems to be a bit of an issue at first. Most call centers aren’t used to the amounts of data Cisco provides and others just don’t like the way WebView presents its information. Either way, missing data is never good.

One issue that I seem to run into a lot is the agent reports showing up blank with just the columns and no data under the columns. This Cisco document explains how to solve that issue. However, the above document was not the only issue I’ve had in the past when trying to get agent data reports. The other issues has to do with not having any agent distributors. Which is something very easy to overlook… at least for me.

Two things to note about the above screen. First, for most duplex environment you will have two distributors, your AW/HDSes. Second, who uses names like fff and icmipcc for distributors? :-)


Finally got a star!

So, I’ve been trolling Cisco’s NetPro for a while. Use it all the time I run into an issue and Google returns nothing which might resolve it. So, NetPro has this thing where you can get points and earn stars and of course I just got mine. Feels kind of nice. :-)


Cisco’s Unified Communication Resources

So, for the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed a small community dedicated to Cisco’s UCCE. For the most part most communities relate to Cisco’s routing, switching, and security while the Unified Communication front is not very well represented.

So, I’ll try and get something started. I’ll try to post at least two features, issues, bugs, tricks I run into while working with this great piece of technology.
