Cisco WebView Agent Reports Contain No Data

So, this has happened to me on at least three projects and honestly I can never remember to check this before the project starts. Reporting always seems to be a bit of an issue at first. Most call centers aren’t used to the amounts of data Cisco provides and others just don’t like the way WebView presents its information. Either way, missing data is never good.

One issue that I seem to run into a lot is the agent reports showing up blank with just the columns and no data under the columns. This Cisco document explains how to solve that issue. However, the above document was not the only issue I’ve had in the past when trying to get agent data reports. The other issues has to do with not having any agent distributors. Which is something very easy to overlook… at least for me.

Two things to note about the above screen. First, for most duplex environment you will have two distributors, your AW/HDSes. Second, who uses names like fff and icmipcc for distributors? :-)


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