Find the total number of attributes and skillgroups in an agent team.

With the new 9.x release and the popularity of Finesse I’m seeing a lot more cases of latency/timeouts from the Finesse desktop.  A lot of these have been attributed to network issues, but I still feel that Finesse has been made way too sensitive to the network.  Makes me yearn for the good old days of CTIOS.  One thing which came up recently is to find out how many skillgroups and attributes/PQs an agent team has.  As the SRND alludes that having too many SG/PQs (>50) in a team will cause performance issues.  The following two queries will give you the total count of unique attributes and skillgroups in an agent team, all you need to do is know your agent team ID.


SELECT count(distinct(awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute.AttributeID)), COUNT(awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute.AttributeID) FROM awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute INNER JOIN t_Agent_Team_Member ON (t_Agent_Attribute.SkillTargetID = t_Agent_Team_Member.SkillTargetID)
WHERE t_Agent_Team_Member.AgentTeamID = ‘XYZ’


SELECT count(distinct(awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute.AttributeID)), COUNT(awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute.AttributeID) FROM awdb.dbo.t_Agent_Attribute INNER JOIN t_Agent_Team_Member ON (t_Agent_Attribute.SkillTargetID = t_Agent_Team_Member.SkillTargetID)
WHERE t_Agent_Team_Member.AgentTeamID = ‘XYZ’


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