Not being able to see what your applied quota settings were has been a huge sore spot with Connect. We’ve resorted to keeping track of quotas on a spreadsheet and having AWS support provide updated numbers every 6 months. However, this is not scalable and generally a pain. I was very please when the following announcement was made, which states:
You can now view applied quota values for resources within each of your Amazon Connect instances using AWS Service Quotas. …
I immediately went to one of our Connect instances and was very disappointed at first. Because, the way AWS decided to present the applied quota as it’s not obvious. If you go to the Service Quotas > AWS Services> Amazon Connect. You see all applicable quotas for Connect. In this case let’s focus on Quick Connects. Notice that the “Applied quota value” is still the default.
If you click on the actual quota. You will still see the default at the top, but at the bottom right you’ll see the true applied number.
I’m happy this is here, but I wish AWS would just go the extra mile and not require us to click on the actual quote to see the true number. I’ve not validated this via the CLI, but I am hopeful it’s more obvious there.
That’s a great suggestion but I’d also think from the perspective that what about those customers who have more than one instance for their Amazon Connect. I agree that AWS could have done better job clearing out this confusion in default quota and applied quota for my instance but expecting everything to be visible on the first page keeping in mind about entire customer base is an absurd request.