Movie Watching

So, following the ever popular “Music you should be listening to…” here are two movies which aren’t getting a lot of screen time.

1. Little Miss Sunshine. This movie is fantastic. Well worth the price of admission anywhere. It is a story about how messed up a family can be, but blood is blood. You can’t change that. This movie both made me laugh and made me sad, but at the end of the day it leaves you with a great feeling.

2. Idiocracy. This movie was released yesterday (09/01/2006) it is written by Mike Judge. The same Mike Judge who brought you Office Space, Beavis and Butthead, and King of the Hill. This movie is alright, it’s a story that takes place 500 years in the future where the world has become to stupid that they can not think or solve any of their problems. I would not pay full price for this, but I would pay the early bird price. The movie has its funny moments and Michael Bolton (from Office Space) is in it. That alone should be worth the five bucks.

~david macias

The Scream is Recovered

You might remember this story I posted on August of 2004. The story talks about Edvard Munch’s The Scream with was stollen for the second time and is one of my favorite works of art.

So, today forbes magazine has an article on how it was recovered. Happy day, it only took two years and it seems that the pieces are in good shape. I always thought this was going to end up like something out of the Thomas Crown Affair.


Winter O6

So, on my way to work I saw a Camaro, Acura, Beetle, and a Xterra all totalled. Then I saw two near misses. BTW, the Xterra was flipped over. Slow down people and please be careful.


It feels like solid air.

Work has been an up hill battle these past couple of weeks. There is a light, but it is faint and distant.

Rage against the dying of the light.


Chicago is freezing cold. This morning the temperature was 5 degrees and it went up to a sunny 10 degrees Fahrenheit. To all those women who claim they love winter because winter clothes are so much cuter

I bring you lions in this world full of sheep.

You begin to slowly realize that not everyone is in tune with you. Not everyone listens and sees the things you see. However, with that there is a certain feeling of failure that comes with it. Would you prefer to continue seeing the world you do? Or chose to curtail your view and take the popular road? There is no such thing as uniqueness; reason leads us all down the same path. Ayn Rand would be proud.Begin to understand that the fact that you see things differently and understand things in a different manner just means that either you

I’m a POW!

Prisoner of work.

Last night, Friday night, time to party. What did I do? Was in bed by 10 PM, like a good little boy. Now, its Saturday night, what am I doing? I’m on a comference call, probably will be on this call for a couple of hours.

I love work and work loves me.

~david macias

Your mind is only clear.

It is 1:26 AM on a Saturday morning, I decided to be a good boy and stay in. I’ve had about 10 phone calls tonight. Weekends are made for partying. It has been a crazy weekend and I might have to go to the doctor on Monday. Note to self, don’t get hit in the face by a soccer ball. You might end up seeing spots that don’t go away.I went for a walk around midnight today. I had a pretty late and huge dinner so I figured I would walk it off a bit. Interesting how many stare you get when you’re walking alone at night. I didn’t get shot or mugged, although I can see why people would fear such late night travels.

I’ve had a lot of time to think, while my mind doesn’t seem to focus on a single thing, it does seem to circle a common theme. That being my future. What about it? I don’t really know, perhaps I should think about it some more or worst, that is the problem.

Your youth pastor may be watching you.

Well, on another forum that I frequent, this youth pastor asked for help on how to crawl some of his kid’s blogs searching for keywords such as sex, death, cuss words, etc. Now, this is an easy thing to do, but this is not a how to on that.

There is something scary about that, I know blogs are mostly public, but there is some personal sense to them also. It is very easy to think that what you write will never be read by anyone, when in reality more eyes see it than you would believe.

So what did good old youth pastors do before the advent of the internet?

Does he also need to have weekly visits by the k9 unit to these kids’ rooms, just in case?

~david macias


So, I have been in Chicago for a couple of days now. I love traveling, I enjoy being on the road and would like to do more of it if possible.

However, this trip has not been fun. Got here Sunday and by around Tuesday I was feeling a little sick, maybe had something to do with the guy who was sick in my training class. Well, Tuesday around 7 PM I passed out, slept until 7 AM the next morning. Today (Wednesday) I still felt a little under the weather, but after a nap and dinner I was feeling much better. So I got to thinking, why would I get sick all of a sudden, then get much better within 48 hours?Stress. I think my body gets majorly down when I push myself too hard. Thus, resulting in some defencies on the imnune system. Now, is this a sign of age? Am I getting older and weaker? I don’t think so. If anything I think I am working harder than I had before, but only time will tell.

I think I need some vitamins.

~david macias