This just in: I’m Number Two

Well, the good folks at Google have updated their index and moved me up from #4 to #2 in their results for "david macias".

It has taken some time, but it is about time. Not sure how to take the #1 spot, but I have no ideas.

~david macias


  1. whats helping the #1 spot is all the incomming links.

    I’m sure you can overtake him by having referrals point to your site using David Macias as the keyword.

    title of page david macias.
    url to have your name. The url can point to your resume..ect.. when typing in names on search engines.. most often resumes pdf doc files get pushed higher up..
    image alt tags can have david macias …event..blah

    place the keyword in higher ranked tags,

    design problems is urls.. clean them up using mod_rewrite

    thats about it.. and hope for higher rankings.

    – leblanc meneses

  2. You’re right, it seems that every six months when google reindexes i change position. So, I’m pretty low right now. Thanks for the update.


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