
I finally got around to updating some parts of this website. Running the latest version as well as upgraded a cool plugin to fight comment spam. I’m excited to trying it out.

Seems like I can be pretty productive while on a conference call on a Saturday night.

~david macias

Another guy from my hometown makes the news

Don’t wander off alone when drunk.


Talked to him a few times, he was 2 years younger. His brother Jaime was in the same class as me and we talked often. Such is life.


This just in: I’m Number Two

Well, the good folks at Google have updated their index and moved me up from #4 to #2 in their results for "david macias".

It has taken some time, but it is about time. Not sure how to take the #1 spot, but I have no ideas.

~david macias

Eminent Domain

I am sure you’ve seen this. Basically, local goverment knows best when dealing with individual/private property. So, if a new studies show that city XYX would have a finacial improvement by building a new shopping mall on said city if put in a neighbor hood where there is no room. The goverment could potentially come in and remove any and all residents whose home is in the way.

All about the greater good, while stepping all over personal rights.

Long live the king.

~david macias

Funny thing about my training class.

I’m currently in DC, in a week long training class. The building where I’m training has two floors, not very big, like two rooms per floor. The upper floor has a conference room where the class takes place. Along with the conference room, it has a small kithces and restroom. Well, the restroom is the funny thing about this class. You can hear everything that happens inside that restroom. Any time anyone goes in there it reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers, where he is defrosted and takes a leak that lasts for about 5 minutes. Well, that is exactly how it sounds like when someone walks to the restroom.

I am sure everyone else can hear it, but I think I am the only that cracks a smile when it happens.

~david macias

Added a new block.

If you would be so kind as to direct your attention to the botton right corner of this page you will see a block called "what i’m listening to:" which will give you a small glipse to the kind of crap I listen to while listening to music on my computer.

Please don’t hold it against me if you see Avril Lavigne or some other crap that might not really fit my "style", it all depends what modd I’m in.


~david macias

Am I a nerd because I have my own website?

So it seems that some people think that it is a sign of nerdyness to have your on site. So I am asking the general populations, is it that much of a sign of a geek to have your own website?

~david macias

Major updates things broken will fix when time permits

So, this morning, since around 8 AM, I have been working on this site trying to fix some things and plug some holes. Well, in the process I’ve managed to break a couple of things like the file mgmt section as well as the gallery. So, I will fix it whenever I get another pocket of time.

Enjoy for now.

~david macias