Check Windows 2003 Service Status Remotely

At my current project there are times where I have to restart a bunch of servers at a time.  On these servers there is a particular service which I want to make sure it has started and is running.  There’s the sc.exe command which allows your stop, start, query service statuses from the command prompt.

Here’s a small batch script I wrote which runs through a list of server names and prints out the status.  You’ll need two files.

First file includes the server names and is called Servers.txt:


The second file just needs to be saved as a .bat file.

   1:  REM ***Start Here***
   2:  Echo Off
   3:  Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
   4:  FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%L IN (Servers.txt) DO (
   5:     SET ServerName=
   6:     SET ServerName=%%L
   7:     sc.exe \\!ServerName! query <Your Service Name> > Results.txt
   8:     ECHO !ServerName!
   9:     Find /i "RUNNING" < Result.txt
  10:     Find /i "STOPPED" < Result.txt
  11:  )
  12:  IF EXIST Results.txt DEL Result.txt
  13:  REM ***END HERE***

This script will print out the server name and if your particular service is RUNNING or STOPPED.  You can expand this as you would like.
